2015 彌陀法會精進念佛

Diligent Recitation of Amitabha Buddha Dharma Function

常住為使大眾集眾修持,克期求證念佛三昧,舉辦 精進念佛彌陀法會。於12月5日之前將各人在法會 期間所持誦的阿彌陀經、稱念彌陀聖號、抄經等修持功課繳回各殿堂,以作功德總迴向。因緣殊勝,歡迎大眾踴躍參加。

The Sutra says: “One recitation of the Buddha’s name will eliminate unwholesome Karma as numerous as the sands in the Ganges rivers; paying one homage to the Buddha, unlimited merits will be obtained.” For the sake of encouraging everyone’s diligence toward cultivation, the temple will especially organise a series of Amitabha Buddha Recitation Dharma Functions between 4th – 6th in December. We hope everyone will cherish this precious opportunity to join this wonderful ceremony.

4-5 Dec (Fri & Sat) 星期五&六 7:00pm ~ 8:30pm
6 Dec (Sunday) 星期日 9:00am ~ 12noon