
Fo Guang Shan NZ Taking Refuge in Triple Gems Ceremony

Date: 1 November 2015 Sunday
1. 藥師法會 Medicine Buddha Dharma Function

時間 Time: 9:00am~12:00noon
2. 甘露灌頂皈依三寶典禮 Taking Refuge in Triple Gems Ceremony
時間 Time: 12:00noon~12:30pm

宗旨 Objectives
培育正信佛教徒,成為一個三寶佛弟子, 自願發心以佛教為終身信仰者
To those who has the interest of learning about Buddhism and become a Buddhist, please make used of this opportunity to enroll yourself by Taking Refuge in the Triple Gems.

地點 Venue: 紐西蘭佛光山 (請於8:50am報到)

Please enquire the registration at FGS NZ