11th of December marked the 9th Children’s Dharma Class of Term 4. The class began with all students gathering to chant both the Heart Sutra and Xi Fa Pu Ti Xin. This is a regular practice that supports the students to settle their minds and connect with the Buddhist path. Chanting is also a good opportunity for the students to harness their meditative concentration. This was especially important as the remainder of the lesson was spent completing examinations.
All students completed a written test which contained content taught throughout the term. After this they then completed a practical test focused on assessing their ability to correctly perform practical tasks (such as the three prostrations, half bow, joint palms, and incense offering). All students put in great effort, and in doing so displayed the right effort and the Paramita of diligence.
All students were treated to a steamed bun which they gratefully received and ate in the dining hall. This is an exciting event as the students will be celebrating a fruitful year of learning the Dharma and practicing Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s 3G4G. We look forward to this joyous occasion and congratulate the students for all their hard work and participation.