Children Dharma Class — Good To Have You (Sangha Day)

27th August 2023 marked Ullambana Festival also known as Sangha Day at Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple Auckland. The day kick-started as the sun slowly rises, parents and students of Children Dharma Class gathered at the Temple to show their appreciation and gratitude towards Abbess and Venerables for their constant nurture, love and care.

As the sound of bells and drums rang through the shrine, Abbess Manshin and Venerables were welcomed into the Main Shrine as BLIA members, YAD committees, parents and students showed respect, sowed blessings and prayed for their families and descendants. As speeches were carried on by Abbess, BLIA presidents, committees and many others, students of Children Dharma Class listened attentively as bodhi seeds were planted. They were reminded to always be kind, have compassion and to give back to the community.

With gratitude hearts, the children took part in the light offering session as they showed respect and offered light, thereby illuminating the world with wisdom and having the courage to overcome challenges in the dark. Moreover, expressing their deepest appreciation to the Founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun for the causes and conditions. During the celebration, the students of Children Dharma Class presented dance performances such as Active in Life, Love and Peace, and Good to Have You to Abbess and Venerables. Raymond Hu expressed that this year was truly memorable as he had also participated in the skit performance which deepened his knowledge on the history of Fo Guang Shan. Throughout the songs he learnt, it helped Raymond to be more confident when he felt unsure. The song I Have Faith, encouraged him to be more courageous and to stand tall with confidence along this Dharma journey of life.

From the dance performances, students learnt the importance of perseverance and never giving up. Through dripping sweat and numerous practices throughout the past weeks, parents, teachers and students worked collaboratively in perfecting the performances and guiding students along the way. Megan shared that she enjoyed Sangha Day as it was meaningful yet fulfilling. From the several practices to the final rehearsal, Megan learnt performance skills in which she could apply to her school performances and activities. “I’ll encourage my classmates to join Dharma Class too, because it is very fruitful and fun!” added Megan.

Sangha Day is a special day where we show our love and appreciation to Abbess and Venerables for their hard work, patience and guidance. Temple is a place for everyone to learn and grow, but without the care from Abbess and Venerables, it wouldn’t have been so. It was not an easy task but the students persevered with the numerous practices and brought upon spectacular performances, concluding the day with love, contentment and joy.