Successful Completion of the Vimalakirti Sutra Course at FGS Christchurch

The second session of the 2024 Fo Guang Shan Christchurch Academy’s Vimalakirti Sutra course concluded successfully on 29th May. The course conducted by the Minister in Charge of FGS Christchurch, Venerable Juexi, began on 28th February 2024 and consisted of 10 classes with nearly 25 participants.

The Vimalakirti Sutra, also known as the Liberation Sutra is a significant text in Mahayana Buddhism. It portrays Vimalakirti, a layman who challenged the attachments of those studying Theravada Buddhism. Simultaneously he inspired confidence in Mahayana Buddhism and encouraged Bodhisattvas to carry out their vows on their journeys to attain Buddhahood. The Sutra features Vimalakirti’s dialogues with Sariputra to illustrate non-duality and detachment from appearances. Moreover, Vimalakirti demonstrates his supernatural abilities, encouraging Bodhisattvas to fulfil their vows on their journeys to attain Buddhahood.

Venerable Juexi presented Vimalakirti’s profound dialogues with the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in picturesque forms to the class, in a humorous and relaxed manner. The teachings highlighted key concepts such as Bodhisattva practices seemingly non-conventional path in order to attain Buddhahood, the Dharma Gate of Non-Duality and the importance of the Worldly offerings & Dharma offerings, focusing particularly on the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination and the Four Reliances.

Participants expressed their gratitude and shared their learning experiences. BLIA South Island Senior Advisor Louisa KUO thanked the Venerable for her patience in emphasising the Inconceivable Dharma Doors mentioned in the Sutra, such as the Pure Land of the Mind, the Nonduality of Worldly & Transcendental Offerings and Heart-to-Heart Transmission. Each chapter was thoroughly explained by Venerable, enhancing participants’ understanding through metaphors and questions.

Deputy President of BLIA South Island James LOW expressed gratitude for the Venerable’s guidance. Initially envisioning scenes of sci-fi and supernatural transformations while reading the Sutra, he gained a deeper appreciation of its profound wisdom after the Venerable’s explanations.

BLIA South Island Senior Advisor CAO Qian also expressed appreciation for Venerable Juexi’s patience in leading the class in exploring the Sutra. By studying the Inconceivable Liberation Sutra in-depth, one comes to realise that the ultimate goal of practice is not personal liberation, the Western Pure Land or Nirvana, but the continuous practice of doing good in the human realm. CAO Qian also encouraged herself to learn from the Bodhisattvas, by serving the public and cultivating her own practice among the people.