17th January 2009
15 participants joined the morning Tai Chi, walking meditation, seated meditation and group discussion service.
It was nice to welcome two participants who had come from the Waikato region.
During the motive meditation Venerable Miaoyu asked us to focus on the nature of impermanence – how everything around us, including ourselves, is impermanent and what this may mean to us. For example when we think about impermanence it will encourage us to value the good times and the good people around us for the moments of joy they bring; to cherish these occasions and be mindful of them. On the other hand when the going gets tough or we are facing a challenging situation we can be assured that it will pass; that things will not always be this bad.
Again with the summery morning, the group discussion was held under the veranda of the Front Shrine. Our guiding Venerable noted the effort of the Waikato participants and the distance they had travelled to take part in the Saturday service. She reminded us that we make our own boundaries and restrictions and those we can overcome these through mindfulness, clear objectives, the right will, prioritisation, and sense of duty. If we really want to do something we will. It is down to us and having the right attitude. There are always ready excuses – too busy, too tired, too far away etc. However if we are mindful and determined about what we are doing and why, we will achieve what we have set out to do.
This lead to discussion amongst the group about their reasons for taking part in the Saturday service. A number of the regular members were asked to share their reasons and motivation for attending the service on Saturdays and the other classes and activities that are open for all at the Temple. People come for many different reasons that ranged from the feelings of peacefulness, calmness that comes from being around The Buddha, the Temple, the Nuns and the Buddhist teachings; the beauty and calmness of the Temple; the opportunities to be involved in new and interesting activities; the opportunity to learn more about a different culture; the sense of belonging; the opportunity to give something back to the local community through volunteer work; the personal strength it brings as you go about your daily life and so on.
Venerable advised us that when we benefit ourselves then we can benefit others. She reminded us that we cannot work against karma. It will happen because of the law of cause and effect. We will naturally receive our reward/retribution.
She ended the discussion by reminding participants of upcoming events including the Chinese New Year celebration at the Temple on the 25th and 26th of January. A great way to start the New Year!