Saturday Meditation Service, Tai Chi and Discussion

28 February 2009

Again, it was a rainy morning for our Tai Chi, meditation and group discussion service.

As is usual we started the Saturday Service with 20 minutes of Tai Chi in the front shrine. The weather provided Venerable Miaoyu with the opportunity to ask us to focus on the rain during our Motive Meditation session – how rain compares with our own lives.

This was then followed by our group discussion. Reverend Miaoyu asked participants to share their thoughts during Motive meditation. Participants spoke of: the impermanence of rain, the cyclic nature of rain, the opportunity to relax and do different things when it rains, a chance to enjoy the rain, how the rain benefits our gardens, how it cleans and washes, how it lifts and plumps out the leaves, how it brings life, for the balance it provides, how it brings good things and bad things, how the individual rain drops become one, the passing of the seasons and so on.

This brought the discussion to the way we complain. Our Guiding Venerable spoke of adjusting to the circumstances – if we don’t, we will get stressed. She advised – accept the circumstances we find ourselves in no matter the condition; no matter whether right or wrong. Flexibility and adaptability are useful attributes to have for a calmer life. No matter how hard things are, we must go on and move forward.

In terms of adaptability, Venerable Miaoyu suggested we learn from the water – if you put water into a round container the water adjusts to the container shape – it doesn’t matter what shape it is in – it water changes accordingly.

She also advised: if the conditions are too good then we are spoilt – we take things for granted. We miss out on opportunities to learn, mature and build inner wealth.

No matter how busy, sad, or difficult our lives are, our Guiding Venerable reminded us that we need medicine for our inner wellbeing. She encouraged participants to continue coming to the Saturday morning services, and made special mention of Buddha’s Birthday celebrations on the 4th and 5th of April 2009.