Saturday Service (Tai Chi, Meditation and Discussion) – 21 March 2009
We started the Saturday Service, in the autumn sunshine, with Tai Chi in the Temple gardens.
After the walking meditation section of the service, Venerable Miaoyu invited participants to take part in something a little different…
Participants were asked to undertake focussed exaggerated slow motion walking; to note the way each foot was slowly lifted off the ground (how it felt, the effort required, the muscles used and stretched, the balance required), then the same again when our knee and leg was slowly lifted, lengthened, lowered and placed carefully onto the ground.
It was an unusual and self conscious experience for participants who were doing this for the first time, but proved to be a very effective form of motive meditation.
The discussion that followed focussed on the upcoming Buddha’s birthday celebrations on Sunday 5 April. In particular Venerable Miaoyu talked about the ‘Bathing of Buddha’ which forms part of the celebration. It symbolises the action of purifying our minds, actions and speech. With this, we are seeking Buddha’s assistance to help guide us with the right will, planning, thoughts and actions. It is via these that we commit good and bad deeds.
She invited participants to attend and further explore our Buddhist natures that are within us – to apply humbleness and mindfulness, to help rid ourselves of arrogance, discrimination, dislike and to gain merit.