Rex Young Spring Calligraphy Exhibition

Rex Young is a 4th generation Chinese immigrant who’s family originally hailed from Guang Zhou China, where they emigrated to New Zealand during China’s Qing Dynasty.

Rex was very fond of Chinese learning in his youth, but due to local resource limitations, he had to rely on correspondance learning from Taiwan, where he majored in Chinese philosphy.

Due to family and career obligations he had to put aside his studies for many years. However recently he is able to once again return to his scholarly pursuits, with a special fondness and aptitude in Chinese Calligraphy, where he even developed a uniquely original style.

All are welcome to this upcoming exhibition in the spring of 2019.

Date: 13 Jan 13th – 10th Feb 2019
Time: 10am-4pm
Venue: FGS Auckland – Guang Ming Hall