On 8th July 2020, New Zealand’s young Artist Dale Gallagher visited Fo Guang Yuan (FGY) Art Gallery Christchurch. He was welcomed by Gallery Curator Venerable Abbess Manshin, Fo Guang Shan (FGS) South Island Minister-in-charge Venerable Jue Xi, and Public Liaison Manager Ryan Wang.
The main purpose of Dale’s visit, this time, was to discuss details of his coming exhibition here. In 2010, Dale held his Fine Art Exhibition at FGY Art Gallery Christchurch, for which he has received wide acclaims. At that time, Gallery Curator Abbess Manshin told Dale that, though he had produced quality works for the Exhibition, he still had plenty of room for improvement, and should strive harder to upgrade himself. Now, after a lapse of 10 years, Abbess Manshin was pleased to discover big progress in Dale’s skills and creativity from his recent works, and she praised Dale for this. On his part, Dale thanked Abbess Manshin for her advice, support and encouragement. He admitted that he has always kept Abbess’s advice in his heart, and has worked hard to upgrade himself all this while.
Dale has a passion for painting since he was a small boy. Though not having gone through formal painting training, basing on hard work and self-exploration, Dale is able to produce captivating paintings of New Zealand’s natural landscapes, using acrylic as a medium. At the present moment, Dale still continues with his painting, and hopes to be able to exhibit more works at FGY Art Gallery Christchurch at an appropriate time in the near future.